Your support matters

Help us expand this program across Canada


The REACH Association supports kids across provinces to write traditional letters to each other and learn about each other’s cultures while forming friendships. Classes from Indigenous communities partner with classes from non-Indigenous communities. Children exchange letters, pictures and even recipes and friendship bracelets while they learn about traditions and heritage, the importance of family and the land we share. These interactions not only build friendships but also foster empathy, cultural understanding and respect among children. In just five months, 60 children from grade 1-6 wrote 160 letters and they are eager to continue corresponding with their friends during the summer months.

The REACH Association is a new grassroots organization. We became a federally incorporated nonprofit in 2024. Since funding opportunities are limited during the first years of operation, we rely on your contribution more than ever, no matter how small.

Join us in promoting The REACH Association’s mission to connect children by rolling out this program between more schools across Canada. Your donation will go directly towards supporting program resources that empower children in Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities to pave the way to reconciliation through friendship without boundaries.

We will be able to make letter writing kits available for children, cover postage costs, purchase books related to Indigenous ways and other culturally relevant topics and you will also support the research and evaluation behind this project.

Privacy policies related to your contribution will be found on the ZEFFY platform.

Not able to donate today? You can also help by simply giving us your feedback through this one question survey below.

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